Idealism and Realism in the early philosophy

A discussion on Parmenides’ arche as One.

It’s known the the origin of the philosophical history dealt with the searching of an ultimate element which could explain the Universe coming up: even if philosophers maybe thought the Universe itself as eternal, it might be something which explicates why Reality is like you notice around you. This fundamental element of Cosmos is called arche. Thus means Universe became from that principle and it is because of philosophers’ reference to the arche that we can argue the philosophy, at its origin, was already characterized by some scientific attitude. With the introduction of the arche in the history of thought, they passed from Myth to logos,  a concept dealing with a rationalist principle, a discursive attitude of speculation: we don’t trust the verity of mythology, because we want to be scientists, who proceed thorough a rigorous method to explicate the Nature. And Nature, the physis, can be sought as something which doesn’t change and remains equal to itself.  In spite of becoming of things, in spite of change, physis doesn’t modify its characteristics, and so philosophers should ask themeselves why that happens. Continue reading